Hun Day Camp
June 24 - August 2nd
Grades: Kindergarten - 7th
Time: Full day available from 8:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. Daily; pre- and after care are available.
Half Day: AM from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.; PM from 12:00 - 3:15 p.m.
Let your child’s first memory as part of the Hun Community be a joyful, unforgettable experience at Hun Summer Day Camp! From the time your camper is dropped off until they are picked up, your child will be engaged and playing indoor and outdoor activities with other campers and nurturing counselors from the Hun Summer Community. During the six weeks that camp is in session, campers will explore Hun’s 45-acre campus through eco-nature walks and field games, and use some of our academic buildings for art & crafts, mini-STEM projects, performing arts, LEGO builds, and weekly design challenges. Campers will learn the Golden Rule while participating in sports, games, and swimming in small groups that are well supervised. Lunch is included and pre- and after-care options are available. Sign up for any number of the six weeks offered and have the best summer ever!
Combine Hun Day Camp With Hun Adventures
- Day Camp + One Hun Adventures Class (No Swimming)
- Day Camp + Two Hun Adventures Classes (No Swimming)
- Day Camp + One Hun Adventures Class (With Swimming)