10 Tips for Online Learning Success

March 15, 2020

By Maureen Leming

With the spread of COVID-19, also known as novel coronavirus, affecting communities around the world, The Hun School like so many others, has implemented a shift to virtual learning, also known as remote learning or teleschooling, to help mitigate the spread. Luckily, our students and faculty are accustomed to using technology in the classroom. They have even used Facetime to “attend” class when absent. But, adapting to a full online course load is likely to be a challenge for most K-12 students in the week ahead. With that in mind, we have compiled some tips for student and parents from some of our on campus experts.Below we’ve outlined some tips for online learning success.

student with computer

Tips for Remote Learning:

  1. Get ready like you’re still going to school. Wake up early, eat a healthy breakfast, and do all the things you normally do before leaving for school. While you don’t have to be in dress code, you do need to be out of your pajamas. Going through your usual routine can help wake you up and establish a learning mindset. After classes, make time to practice your usual spring sport or wellness activity.
  2. Find a new “classroom.” No, you can’t borrow any of our Harkness tables, but you can make sure you have an appropriate workspace set up in your house, ideally in a private space that is free of distractions. Place your device on a flat surface, rather you’re your lap, so your video feed doesn’t wobble. Consider the background; avoid video chatting from your bed, for example. Carving out a physical space for your virtual classes will help you get ready to learn.
  3. Come to class prepared. Make sure your iPad or computer is fully charged, and bring a notebook, pen, and any other materials your teachers request for your virtual courses.
  4. Test the Zoom link before each class. Technology is a wonderful thing that sometimes isn’t so wonderful. There’s nothing worse than trying to log into an online class and realizing that you need to update your software first. And, yes, your teacher is taking attendance. You also don’t want to derail the discussion because you arrived late.
  5. Make time to eat lunch. Just like in a typical school day, you’ll want to build in a break for lunch. Besides, you won’t be able to focus on an empty stomach! And while you’re at it, go for a quick walk, grab a drink of water, and listen (or dance—we’re not watching) to your favorite song.
  6. Actively participate in your classes. Sure, it’s probably going to be difficult at first to have a lively discussion in our online learning platforms, (you’ll need to get used to seeing yourself on camera!) but your online classes depend on your participation. It’s also important for our health and wellbeing to virtually interact with others while we are practicing social distancing.
  7. Participate alone, without pets. What we mean is, become comfortable with the mute button. Your teachers expect that sometimes an outside guest might accidentally interrupt, but remember to keep your microphone muted when you’re not using it, so your parents’ work calls aren’t overheard and your pets’ cries for attention don’t distract the other participants.
  8. Remember to check in on your friends. We aren’t saying you should text during class, but staying connected to your friends is vital. It is going to take more effort now that you’re not passing them in the hallway, so set up a virtual lunch date, FaceTime during a free period, or join an e-sports league together. Maintaining friendships while practicing social distancing is going to require some more thought initially, but you’ve got this!
  9. Stay positive. None of us could have predicted that we would need to transition to e-learning this spring, but we’re Hun, and we thrive when we’re challenged. It’s going to be different, but different is also an opportunity. You’ll get the chance to learn new things about yourself along the way and maybe you’ll develop an interest in computer science (we’re just saying).  
  10. Reach out if you need extra help. Whether you’re hoping for a more thorough explanation of the lesson, help troubleshooting a technology issue, or need wellness support, reach out to the folks we’ve identified in our emails and COVID-19 web page. There’s a whole team of people here to support you.

We can’t wait to tackle this together. #RemoteRaiders

To help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, The Hun School shifted to an entirely remote learning program from March 2020 - the remainder of the school year.

The Hun School faculty put a lot of thought and careful consideration into how the program would run. We received great feedback from parents, teachers and students on the program's set up and effectiveness. 

Hun School's Virtual Learning Program

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