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Aspiring Film Editor Tatum D. ’23 Continues Her Story at SCAD

Ever since Tatum D. ’23 was a little girl, she assumed the role of director amongst her friends, organizing and capturing video every chance she got. For as long as she could remember, Tatum would tune into Disney channel to watch her favorite shows and with her keen eye for detail, observe film and editing techniques. Growing up with access to popular video editing apps, Tatum continued to develop her skill and passion for filming and editing short videos. Years later, her passion for video is matched only by her love of soccer. Next fall, she will major in video production and play soccer for SCAD. 

That same Disney obsessed girl recalls starting her college admission process unsure if an art school was even in her future. It wasn’t until Hun’s annual college fair where she stumbled upon SCAD. She recalls laying eyes on SCAD’s vibrantly colorful banner and the friendly smile from the school’s representative that awaited her. 

“I had no idea SCAD even existed before the college fair,” Tatum said. “When I was talking to the representative, she told me that a scene from Mandalorian was actually filmed at the Atlanta SCAD – that really drew me in… I walked away from that conversation knowing that SCAD was absolutely the place I needed to be for the next four years.” 

Tatum explains that she was drawn to SCAD for the same reason she loves Hun so much: the broad spectrum of course offerings that allows you to choose your own adventure. 

“SCAD is the perfect place to explore different passions,” she said. “I know I want to study video production, but there are so many other offerings that I would love to try out. I’ve taken a few courses here at Hun like CAD that I could even continue at SCAD if I wanted to.” 

While every offering at SCAD is appealing to Tatum, she is most excited about a sitcom show that they  direct, film, and produce on campus. Although she’s never been one to be in front of a camera, her junior year NextTerm course, “The Magic of Broadway” sparked an interest in the behind the scenes work that is done to create a production of any kind. 

“There is just something so powerful about creating an experience for an audience that evokes memories or feelings.” 

For her senior capstone project, she was an intern for The School of Rock where she shadowed a production manager and assisted with bringing the show to life. There is no slowing her down, when she gets to SCAD she hopes to secure an internship or job editing clips for StarWars or Disney.